Five HLC Peer Reviewers will visit virtually with SWOSU representatives on October 5-6 as part of SWOSU’s 10-year re-accreditation comprehensive visit. The reviewers will schedule virtual meetings and open forums for administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The following questions may be asked during those meetings and open forums:
- Have you read or seen SWOSU’s Assurance Argument?
- Helpful link: Assurance Argument
- What do you know about accreditation?
- Helpful link: Accreditation webpage
- Where can you find the University’s mission and how do you help fulfill it?
- Helpful link: Strategic Plan:
- How do faculty members participate in decision-making?
- How is a new course developed?
- Helpful link: Course/Program Credit Assignment Procedures
- How has your department used its assessment findings?
- What improvements have resulted from student learning assessment?
- How do faculty feel about teaching basic general education courses?
- What evidence demonstrates that students at SWOSU are mastering the General Education
Learning Goals?
- Helpful links: General Education Assessment Reports and GE Course Mapping
- Is teaching and learning valued at SWOSU? Research? Service?
- What is the role of faculty in assuring academic quality?
- How does SWOSU support students who are underprepared or struggling?
- How does SWOSU support the community at large?
- Is SWOSU committed to equal educational/employment opportunities?
- Describe shared governance and how faculty participate in decision –making at different levels of the university?
- Are you satisfied with the support you receive to enhance your teaching?
- Are you satisfied with the support you receive to enhance your scholarship?
- Do you believe you have academic freedom in your teaching?
- Does SWOSU have policies and procedures in place to address ethical conduct in research
for both faculty and students?
- Helpful link: Sponsored Programs Policies & Procedures
- Are you familiar with student learning outcomes?
- Helpful link: Student Learning Outcomes Document
- Does the university provide support for the development of online courses?
- Can you describe the tenure and promotion process? What is your impression of the process?
- What resources are available to support faculty?
- Does SWOSU have a commitment to retention of students?
- Helpful link: Retention Plan
- Are facilities appropriately maintained at SWOSU?
- In what ways does the university make sure that assessment outcomes are used to guide decision making and resource allocation?
- Why did you choose SWOSU? Have your expectations been met?
- What distinguishes SWOSU from other institutions?
- Have you read or seen SWOSU’s Assurance Argument?
- Helpful link: Assurance Argument
- What do you know about accreditation?
- Helpful link: Accreditation webpage
- Where can you find the University’s mission and how do you help fulfill it?
- Helpful link: Strategic Plan:
- Do you know where to go to make a complaint?
- Helpful links: Student Complaint Policies and Procedures
- Can you get the courses you need when you need them?
- Do students have the opportunity to provide the administration with input about SWOSU?
- What do you like best about SWOSU?
- What kind of changes are taking place at SWOSU? Do you see these as positive or not?
- What kind of education does the above-average student get? A transfer student? A non-traditional student? An under-prepared student?
- How do you think SWOSU has performed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Are you supportive of the general education requirements at SWOSU?
- Are you familiar with the learning outcomes of your program?
- What is your experience with the following university services?: library, tutoring, dining, Wellness Center, Information Technology Services, health and well-being services?
- What characterizes the relationship between students and faculty?
- Are SWOSU students provided with relevant co-curricular experiences?
- Are SWOSU instructors appropriately qualified?
- Describe the role of the Student Government Association?
- Have you read or seen SWOSU’s Assurance Argument?
- Helpful link: Assurance Argument
- What do you know about accreditation?
- Helpful link: Accreditation webpage
- Where can you find the University’s mission and how do you help fulfill it?
- Helpful link: Strategic Plan:
- How does SWOSU support the community at large?
- What is it like to be a staff member at SWOSU?
- How would you describe the shared governance process at SWOSU? Do you think staff have sufficient input?
- Have SWOSU administrators established a culture of trust within the university?
- Do units across campus work collaboratively?
- How are planning and budget linked at SWOSU?
- Helpful links: Assessment, Planning & Budgeting Chart
- How does SWOSU support staff?
- Does SWOSU provide sufficient technology support?
- Are staff provided with professional development opportunities?
- What are some important benefits about working at SWOSU?
- Are SWOSU staff appropriately qualified?
- How does your department evaluate the student learning and development that occurs in your area? What are the results of those evaluations?
- What would you like to tell the Review Team to help them make a fair evaluation of this University?