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Art Facilities

Your decision to seek a career in the visual arts is an exciting one. The SWOSU Creative Media and Visual Arts Department provides you with the educational environment, studio, and technological facilities.

Drawing and Painting

Drawing classes meet in a 1,000 square-foot studio space that has both natural and artificial light. This area is equipped with large metal studio easels, landscape easels for plein air work, drawing boards, and lots of storage space. Plein air sessions are conducted at Crowder Lake Park, a 200-acre natural area managed by SWOSU. The landscape of the park contains rolling hills, wooded valleys, mixed grass prairie, and a 160-acre lake.

Private studio space is available upon application for junior- and senior-level students. These studios have several large windows for natural light and overhead fluorescent lamps.


The Ceramics facilities at SWOSU feature electric and manual clay wheels, gas and electric kilns, stab roller, glaze mixing equipment, extruder, spray booth, solder mixer, and raku firing areas.

Graphic Design

The graphic design lab boasts state-of-the-art technology, with sixteen Macintosh computers, one flatbed scanners, a high resolution film/slide scanner, a laser printer, an inkjet printer, and a Epson large-format printer.

Software programs include the industry standards of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Apple iLife.


The SWOSU Creative Media and Visual Arts Department printshop is located in a large space (1,300 square feet) and is equipped for intaglio, relief, collagraph, monotype and plate lithography.

There are two etching presses: A 26"x48" Takach and a 28"x48" Graphic Sturges. The studio also has numerous brayers, large rollers, woodcut tools, intaglio tools, an aquatint rosin box and hot plate, drying racks, and several flat files for the storage of student work.


Sculpture students have access to the art department wood shop for creating their works. The shop has power and hand miter saws, corner clamps, drills, power nail guns, routers, sanders and other tools/materials for the final preparation of artwork.

Art Gallery

Art Building

Monday – Friday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.