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C. Developing Your Experiential Education Rotation

1. Valuable Rotation Experiences will Include the Following Elements

  1. Design rotation to meet the learner’s level of education.
    1. IPPE
    2. APPE
  2. Design rotation to meet the learner’s level of experience and interest.
  3. Orient the student to the site and personnel.
            i. Introduce the student to the primary and secondary preceptors and other pharmacy staff
            ii. Tour the facility and acclimate the student to the pharmacy layout and workflow
            iii. Introduce the student to equipment, computer programs and other systems
            iv. Acquaint the student with site policies and procedures
  4. Provide clear communication of expectations.
            i. Cover both preceptor and student expectations early in the rotation
            ii. Encourage the student to perform self-evaluations of performance
  5. Outline the student’s responsibilities (these should be reasonable, yet challenging).
    1. Review syllabus, goals and objectives
    2. Set goals
    3. Develop a rotation calendar and assign daily activities to help the students achieve goals
  6. Involve student in daily activities and patient care.
  7. Role model desired behaviors.
  8. Express enthusiasm for your work.
  9. Provide adequate supervision of the student.
  10. Encourage self-directed learning.
  11. Provide timely feedback on a regular basis.
             i. Discuss strengths
             ii. Discuss areas that need improvement
             iii. Complete formal mid-point and final evaluations
  12. Assign appropriate grade.
    1. Students will rise to your expectations
    2. Recognize excellence