Institutional Advancement
Erin Adams
- Senior Director Development & Engagement
- BUH 203
- +580 774 3156
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Institutional Advancement
Taylor Adler
- Coordinator, Advancement Events
- BUH 206
- +580 774 6331
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Human Resources
Cindi Albrightson
- Title IX & Compliance Coordinator
- HAB 204A
- +580 774 3108
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Renae Bagzis
- Instructor
- SAB 139
- +580 928 5533 x2150
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Cathy Baker
- Director of Counseling
- Assessment
- SAB 103 / WEL 152
- +580 928 5533 ext 7030 / 580 774 7030
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Institutional Advancement
Ryan Baldwin
- Associate Director of Philanthropy
- +580 774 3267
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Center of Health and Well-being
Meadow Beyl
- Food Pantry Coordinator
- +580 774 3776
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Terry Billey
- Registrar
- SAB 102
- +580 928 5533 x2101
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Institutional Research
Kelsi Burghardt
- Institutional Research Specialist
- HAB 212
- +580 774 3216
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Information Technology Services
Jessica Burleson
- Programmer Analyst 1
- STF 254
- +580 774 3799
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Randa Castleberry
- Assistant Athletic Trainer
- Adjunct
- PCEC 106
- +580 774 3072
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Jonathan Chidester
- Assistant Athletic Director for Media Relations
- PCEC 231
- +580 774 7162
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Pharmacy Practice
Melanie Claborn
- Associate Professor
- OKC Indian Health Clinic
- +405 948 4900 Ext 494
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Public Relations & Marketing
Jonathan Clemmons
- Assistant Vice President
- HAB 205
- +580 774 3066
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Institutional Advancement
Joshua Cobb
- Associate Director for Major Gifts & Donor Relations
- BUH 206A
- +580 774 6330
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Joshua Collins
- Head Volleyball Coach/Assistant Athletic Director for Game Day Operations
- PCEC 127
- +580 774 3050
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Pharmacy Practice
Christy Cox
- Experiential Program Director
- Assistant Professor
- Pasteur Medical Building
- +405 601 8335
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Advising & Retention Services
Amanda Currier
- Retention Management Coordinator
- STF 128B
- +580 774 3251
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Allied Health Sciences
Ashley Davis
- Surgical Technology Program Director
- SCI 202A
- +580 774 3723
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Edwin Detweiler
- Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine
- HPE 116A
- +580 774 3073
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Information Technology Services
Cody Dirickson
- IT Technical Support
- STF 252
- +580 774 3253
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Residence Life & Housing
Trisha Doucet
- Administrative Assistant ll
- NEF B102
- +580 774 3024
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Kylie Eaton
- LPN to BSN Program Coordinator/Assistant Professor
- PAR 227
- +580 774 7188
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Institutional Research
Diane Fitzsimmons
- Institutional Effectiveness Specialist
- HAB 212
- +580 774 3212
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Phillip Fitzsimmons
- University Archivist & Special Collection Librarian, Assistant Professor
- AHL 212
- +580 774 3030
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Academic Records
Melanie Folsom
- Graduate & Athletic Eligibility Coordinator
- HAB 108D
- +580 774 3005
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Admissions & Recruitment
Deanna Foster
- Asst Director of Enrollment Partnerships
- Yukon HS
- +580 774 7077
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Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Lisa Friesen
- Director
- HEC 210B
- +580 774 7126
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Business Services
Jessica Goldsberry
- Scholarship Billing Specialist
- HAB 109B
- +580 774 3017
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Biological Sciences
Marcella Goncalves Santos
- Assistant Professor
- SCI 110F
- +580 774 3097
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Center for Health and Well-being
Britney Gramer
- Administrative Assistant
- WEL 162
- +580 774 3776
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Pharmacy Practice
Jacqueline Gregory
- Assistant Professor
- Pasteur Medical Building OKC
- +405 601 7632
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Allied Health Sciences
Brent Grimes
- Coordinator of Clinical Education, Adjunct
- +580 774 3249
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Information Technology Services
Teresa Guzman
- Office & Inventory Specialist
- STF 257
- +580 774 3204
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Institutional Advancement
Clarke Hale
- Assistant Director for Development & Engagement
- +580 774 3155
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Physical Plant
Michelle Hampton
- Custodian Supervisor
- Physical Plant ( Middle Office )
- +580 774 3788
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Dean of Students' Office
Abigail Harmon
- Coordinator of Student Activities
- STF 214
- +580 774 3767
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Computer Science
Hayden Harrington
- Assistant Professor /Esports Director
- STF 315
- +580 774 3751
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Business & Computer Science
Erin Hawkins
- Administrative Assistant
- STF 334
- +580 774 3282
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College of Pharmacy
Aimee Henderson
- Rural Health Clinical Pharmacist
- Assistant Professor
- BEB 102
- +580 774 6727
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Information Technology Services
Ryan Henson
- Programmer Analyst II
- STF 243
- +580 774 3206
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Center for Health and Well-being
Trudy Hoffman
- Student Counselor
- WEL 148
- +580 774 7033
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Allied Health Sciences
Summer House
- Instructor/Anatomage Specialist
- HEC 214 A
- +580 774 7009
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Advising & Retention Services
Heather Hummel
- Advising Coordinator
- STF 128 D
- +580 774 3259
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Parks & Recreation Management
Paul Hummel
- Instructor
- Dir. Crowder Lake Park
- HEC 214E
- +580 774 6015
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Deidre Hunt
- Simulation Lab & Course Migration Assistant
- PAR 103A
- +580 774 3237
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Information Technology Services
Cheyln Hyman
- ITS Technical Support
- STF 251
- +580 774 3280
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International Student Affairs
Mihaela Roxana Ifrim
- International Student Services Coordinator
- HAB 102A
- +580 774 6172
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Institutional Advancement
Aaron Jeffreys
- Athletic Association Coordinator
- Burton House 206
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Institutional Advancement
Robbin Jennings
- Coordinator,Stewardship & Services
- BUH 102
- +580 774 3793
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Jennifer Johnson
- Head Women's Cross Country & Track and Field Coach
- HPE 108
- +580 774 6555
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Institutional Advancement
Kari Jones
- Advancement Projects Director & Executive Assistant
- BUH 206
- +580 774 3289
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Pharmaceutical Sciences
Natalie Jones
- Director of Alumni & Development Office
- WSB 210
- +580 774 3190
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Creative Media & Visual Arts
Angela Keeler Reeves
- Assistant Professor
- ART 210
- +580 774 7138
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Provost's Office
Joel Kendall
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- HAB 210B
- +580 774 3771
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College of Pharmacy
Kalie Kerth
- Rural Health Clinical Pharmacist
- Assistant Professor
- BEB 105
- +580 774 3043
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Strategic Partnerships
Chad Kinder
- Vice President for Strategic Partnerships and Director of Graduate Programs
- HEC 105
- +580 774 3291
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Institutional Advancement
Garrett King
- Vice President for Institutional Advancement & Chief of Staff to the President
- BUH101
- +580 774 3706
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Provost's Office
Tamera Kisinger
- Executive Assistant to the Provost
- HAB 210
- +580 774 3771
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Information Technology Services
Alex Kluckner
- Network Administrator
- STF 241
- +580 774 3263
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Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lacey Lacefield
- Administrative Assistant
- WSB 211
- +580 774 7197
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Allied Health Sciences
Sharon Lawrence
- Chair & Associate Professor
- SCI 206B
- +580 774 6917
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Admissions & Recruitment
Brian Lewis
- Microsoft Dynamics Specialist
- STF 209
- +580 774 3009
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Allied Health Sciences
Dana Lloyd
- Assistant Professor / MSHIM Program Director
- SCI 202-B
- +580 774 7149
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Katherine Loving
- Collection Management & Techinal Services Librarian
- AHL 125
- +580 774 7021
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Information Technology Services
Panashe Bernard Makoni
- Helpdesk Specialist
- +580 774 3269
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Allied Health Sciences
Amy Maynard
- Instructor / BSHIM Program Director
- SCI 202-C
- +580 774 6006
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Parks & Recreation Management
Pamela McCaw
- Administrative Assistant
- HEC 121
- +580 774 7036
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Business Enterprise Center
Leia Moore
- Research Analyst Assistant
- BEC 103A
- +580 774 7127
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Information Technology Services
Shamus Moore
- ERP System Administrator
- STF 255
- +580 774 3268
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Admissions and Recruitment
Toni Murdock
- Administrative Assistant
- STF 207
- +580 774 3782
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Frederic Murray
- Instructional Services Librarian
- Assistant Professor
- AHL 124
- +580 774 7113
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Student Financial Services
Lacy Musick
- Financial Aid Systems Specialist
- STF 216
- +580 774 6003
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Connie Ousley
- Custodian
- SAM 100
- +580 928 5533 x2106
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Allied Health Sciences
Jess Parker
- Adjunct
- +580 774 3249
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Institutional Advancement
Jessica Perry
- Senior Director, Advancement Operations
- BUH 101
- +580 774 3287
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Sydne Peters

Public Relations & Marketing
Cinthia Pinon Chavez
- Digital Communication Specialist
- OKH 103
- +580 774 3185
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Business Enterprise Center
Max Pyron
- Business Development Specialist
- BEC 107
- +580 774 7017
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Harmon Ray

Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Steve Ray
- Teaching & Learning Coordinator
- HEC 208A
- +580 774 3147
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Kerry Rhoads
- Administrative Assistant II
- SAB 101
- +580 928 5533 x2100
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Parks & Recreation Management
Tyler Rickey
- Instructor
- HEC 214D
- +580 774 3286
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Canadian County Concurrent Coordinator
Natyra Roberts
- Admissions and Recruitment
- +580 774 6231
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Creative Media & Visual Arts
Jessica Salmans Meditz
- Associate Professor
- CAM 211
- +580 774 7046
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Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Mapopa Sanga
- Associate Professor
- Teaching & Learning Coordinator
- HEC 209B
- +580 774 7128
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Elissa Saunders
- Chair - BSN Program Coordinator - Instructor
- PAR 124A
- +580 774 3279
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Residence Life & Housing
Benton Schweinfurth
- Housing Coordinator
- NEF B107
- +580 774 3076
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Admissions & Recruitment
Tiffany Seal
- GEAR UP College Success Coach
- STF 209 E
- +580 774 6049
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Public Relations and Marketing
Ronith Sharmila
- Project Specialist
- HAB 205
- +580 774 3066
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Pharmacy Practice
Leanne Showman
- Regional Experiential Coordinator
- Tulsa-Muskogee
- +918 409 0726
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Allied Health Sciences
Teri Stubbs
- HCA Program Director / HIM Instructor
- SCI 114C
- +580 774 7103
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Allied Health Sciences
Christopher Stufflebean
- Director Radiologic Technology
- BBB 116
- +580 774 3192
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Bill Swartwood
- Coordinator
- SAB 100
- +580 928 5533 ext 2107
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Institutional Advancement
Madyson Taylor
- Alumni Association Coordinator
- BUH 206
- +580 774 7068
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Pharmacy Practice
Laurie Terrell
- Assistant Professor
- Pasteur Medical Building
- +405 601 2484
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c Test

Allied Health Sciences
Courtney Thiessen
- Administrative Assistant II
- SCI 206
- +580 774 3249
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Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Ashley Walkup
- Administrative Assistant
- HEC 210
- +580 774 3149
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Pharmacy Practice
Nancy Williams
- Associate Dean for Clinical Programs
- Chair
- Professor
- Pasteur Medical Building
- +405 601 8154
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Information Technology Services
Timothy Wills
- Operations Administrator
- STF 256
- +580 774 3745
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College of Associate & Applied Programs
Sandra Winn
- IAV Coordinator
- SAB 101
- +580 928 5533 x2175
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John Woods

Public Relations & Marketing
Kyle Wright
- Web & Graphics Designer
- OKL 110
- +580 774 7160
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