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Dr. Sunu Kodumthara

Dr. Sunu Kodumthara

Social Sciences

Dr. Sunu Kodumthara


SCI 101-E


“Why History”

When I became a political science major, I spoke to the then chair of the department who asked what I wanted my minor to be. “I have no idea,” I said. “You should go with history,” he replied. And that was it. Little did I know that every history class that I took from that moment on would open my eyes to importance of history in shaping who we are and what we believe. The people, events, and decisions of the past have brought us to this moment in time. It’s our responsibility to learn from the past so we can create a better future.

“The Importance of a Good Education”

After my first semester as a PhD student at the University of Oklahoma, my family and I went to Kerala, India to visit my grandparents. One morning, I sat in the family room of my grandparents’ home and had the audacity to complain to my grandfather about school. “I’m so tired of school. I think I’m going to quit and just find a job somewhere.” My grandfather, who was sitting on the stoop and reading his newspaper, looked up and said, “Don’t ever say that again. I had to quit school when I was in the 4th grade to work. There are words in this newspaper I can’t read. As long as you can go to school, you must. You have to learn.” It was the wakeup call of a lifetime for me. Education isn’t just about earning a degree. Education leads to enlightenment. Education creates good citizens. Education is freedom.

Fun Facts:

I’m a Denver Broncos fan because 1) I was born there and 2) my parents raised me right. Also, I’m a nerd through and through. Doctor Who. Star Trek: Next Generation. Star Wars. Ken Burns documentaries. Harry Potter. Yes to all of those things.

Courses Taught

Course No. Course Title
HIST 1043 US History To 1877
HIST 1053 US History Since 1877
HIST 4073 20th Century America (1915 – 1950)
HIST 4103 American Indians
HIST 4133 Women in American History
HIST 4313 American West
HIST 4353 History of Oklahoma
HIST 4093 Historical Research and Writing (Capstone Course)

Degrees Conferred-Fields of Study

BA (Political Science and History) cum laude

Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 2001

MA (History) 

Oklahoma State University, 2003

PhD (History)

University of Oklahoma, 2011
