Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Degree | Institution | Area of Study |
Ph.D. | New Mexico State University | Animal Science (Major: Nutrition/ Minor: Physiology/ Emphasis: Biochemistry) |
M.S. | University of Kentucky | Animal Science (Major: Nutrition) |
B.S. | University of Kentucky | Agriculture (Animal Production) |
- The interaction of the mind and body (physiology)
- The effects of nutrition and genetics on health
- Statistical applications in biological, educational, and pharmacy practice research
Physiology | PHARM 3614 |
Health and Biostatistics | PHARM 3823 |
Health Issues II | PHARM 5812 |
- Faculty member, Department of Biological Sciences, SWOSU, Weatherford, OK
- Faculty member, Department of Health Sciences, SWOSU, Weatherford, OK
- Research Animal Scientist, USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK
- Congressional Science Fellow, Federation of Animal Science Societies and U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
- Nominee, Bernhardt Award, 2016
- Leadership Weatherford (Class 14), 2012
- Faculty Member of the Year (Brandy Award), 2006
- College of Pharmacy
- Faculty Sponsor, Phi Delta Chi Alpha Omega Chapter, 2016 – present
- Faculty Sponsor, SWOSU APhA-ASP, 2014 – present
- Resources Committee, SWOSU College of Pharmacy, 2013 – present
- Assessment Committee, SWOSU College of Pharmacy, 2013 – 2016
- University
- Chair, University Research and Scholarly Activity Committee, 2015 - 2017
- Benefits Committee, SWOSU, 2013 - present
- Committee member, SWOSU Masonic Distinguished Lecture Series, 2013- present
- Research Editor and Treasurer, Administrative Issues Journal, 2011 – present
- Chair, SWOSU Medical Professions Advisory Committee, 2007 – present
- Faculty Sponsor, SWOSU Medical Professions Club, 2007 – present
- Local
- Branch Vice-President of Membership / Past-President, AAUW Weatherford, 2015-2017
- Member, Weatherford Rotary Club, 2013 – present
- Certified Aerobics Instructor, Great Plains YMCA, 2004 – present
- State
- President-Elect and State Policy Chair, AAUW Oklahoma, 2016-2018
- Director, Tech Trek STEM Camp for 8th Grade Girls, AAUW Oklahoma, 2012 – present
- State Treasurer, Oklahoma Women in Higher Education, 2012 to 2015
- National
- Chair and Author, Goal 2: Analyzing and Interpreting National STEM Survey Data, STEM Task Force, National AAUW, 2014 – present
- International Fellowship Selection Panelist, National AAUW, 2011 - present
- SWOSU Student Pharmacist Presentations (Primary Faculty Sponsor):
- Leffler, Emma; Angelica Lajaunie; Nicholas Lockyear; Gwen Burgess; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2016. The Acute Impact of Relaxation Techniques on Student Psychological and Physiological Health. Peer-reviewed, poster presentation at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting and Exposition, Baltimore, MD. Poster #APhA0562.
- Leffler, Emma; Nicholas Lockyear; Angelica Lajaunie; Heather Kelley; Aminatou Mouliom; and Gwen Burgess (Dr. Melinda Burgess and Dr. Lisa Appeddu). 2016. Evaluation of the Immediate Impact of Relaxation Techniques on Student Psychological and Physiological Health. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 109.
- Leffler, Emma; Nicholas Lockyear; Angelica Lajaunie; Heather Kelley; Aminatou Mouliom; Gwen Burgess; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2016. Evaluation of the Immediate Impact of Relaxation Techniques on Student Psychological and Physiological Health. Oklahoma Research Day, Tahlequah, OK. Poster #05.15.02.
- Kelley, Heather; Emma Leffler; Nicholas Lockyear; and Angelica Lajaunie (Dr. Melinda Burgess and Dr. Lisa Appeddu). 2016. Measuring Physiological Variables in Student Pharmacists after Conducting Relaxation and Non-Relaxation Techniques. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 108.
- Burleigh, Laura; Gwen Burgess; Patra Kositchaiwat; Ashley Murray; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2015. The Relationship between Stress, Sexualization, and Salivary Hormones. Oklahoma Research Day, Tahlequah, OK. Poster #05.17.21.
- Kositchaiwat, Patra; Gwen Burgess; Cord Gothard; Ashley Murray; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2014. Evaluation of Collection and Laboratory Methods Used in Salivary Hormone Determination. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 44.
- SWOSU Undergraduate & Graduate Student presentations (Primary Faculty Sponsor):
- Lajaunie, Angelica; Leffler Emma; Nicholas Lockyear; and Gwen Burgess (Dr. Melinda Burgess and Dr. Lisa Appeddu). 2016. Evaluation of Stress, Anxiety, and Relaxation Techniques in First Semester Pharmacy Students. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 107.
- Lajaunie, Angelica; Emma Leffler; Nicholas Lockyear; Gwen Burgess; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2016. Evaluation of Stress, Anxiety, and Relaxation Techniques in First Semester Pharmacy Students. Oklahoma Research Day, Tahlequah, OK. Poster #05.15.03.
- Gothard, Cord; Glennda Tiller; Ashley Murray; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. Validation of Methods Used to Determine Salivary Hormone Levels. 2013. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 46.
- Glennda Tiller; Cord Gothard, Lisa Appeddu, Michael Brown, and David VonTungeln. 2013. Evaluation of Antimicrobial Resistance of Bovine Bacteria to Antibiotics. Presented for Master of Education defense on June 26, 2013.
- Garcia, Eduardo, Dr. Lisa Appeddu, and Dr. Mike Brown. 2012. Microbe Antibiotic Susceptibility and Capstone Experience as a Teaching Assistant for Human Physiology Lab in Summer 2012. Presented for Master of Education defense on December 5, 2012.
- Goodwin, Sierra, and Dr. Lisa Appeddu. 2012. Capstone Experience as a Teaching Assistant for Microbiology Lab in Fall 2012. Presented for Master of Education defense on December 5, 2012.
- Bounds, Micaela, Dr. Lisa Appeddu, and Dr. Mike Brown. 2011. Microbe Identification Resulting in Mastitis in Beef Cows. Presented for Master of Education defense on April 26, 2011.
- Sawatzky, Whitney, Yunshuo Peng, Guadalupe Davila El Rassi, Veneta Banskalieva, Jianping Wu, Dr. Michael A. Brown, & Dr. Lisa Appeddu. 2011. Fatty Acid Analysis in Beef Cows. Presented for Master of Education defense on April 26, 2011.
- Quinn, Terri, Dr. Lisa Appeddu, and Dr. Mike Brown. (2008). Incidence of Mastitis in Cows Sired by Different Breeds of Bulls. Presented for Master of Education defense.
- Faculty presentations and publications:
- Appeddu, Lisa; Laura Adolfie; Margo Hammond; Michelle Higgins; and Gerry Oberman. 2016. AAUW State and Branch Survey of STEM Programs and Activities conducted in 2014-2015 –Summary Report. Written by the AAUW National STEM Task Force.
- Appeddu, Lisa; Melinda Burgess; Ashley Murray; Laura Burleigh; and Gwen Burgess. 2015. Using Salivary Components as Physiological Indicators of Stress Induced by Physical Poses. Accepted for peer-reviewed poster presentation (Poster 101); Presented at 2015 National meeting of Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) in San Antonio. Link to abstract: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.hapsweb.org/
- Appeddu, L. A., S. Ball, and S. Souvannachak. (2012). Undergraduate students teach girl scouts about the different medical professions. National Meeting of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, Baltimore, MD.
- Appeddu, Lisa, Cindy Foust, and Les Crall. (2010). Criterion Five: Engagement and Service, Higher Learning Commission Accreditation Self-Study. Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, OK.
- Scholarly Activity:
- Editor: SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair Abstract book, 2016
- Editorial Board Reviewer: Articles to be published in the Administrative Issues Journal, 2011 – present
- Lead Author of grants written to fund research:
- SWOSU Organized Research Grant
- College of Pharmacy Resources Committee Request for Funding
- H.F. Timmons Endowment
- OK INBRE Undergraduate Summer Research Mentor Program
- Lead Author of external grants and reports written on behalf of Tech Trek at SWOSU
STEM camp for girls (2013 – present):
- National American Association of University Women (AAUW)
- City of Weatherford Hotel/Motel Tax Commission Grant
- Devon Energy Contributions Program
- Collaborative research presentations and publications:
- Erin Callen, Tiffany Kessler, Lisa Appeddu, Kristin Montarella, Cheri Walker, and Krista Brooks. 2016. Student confidence in ability to pass the NAPLEX exam before and after a faculty-led review course. Peer-reviewed, poster presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education, Anaheim, CA.
- Tiffany Kessler, Erin Callen, Krista Brooks, Shelley Stockton, Lisa Appeddu, Steve Drinnon, Lyanna Schultz, and Julia Hendrickson. 2016. Targeting Students of All Ages to Increase Awareness of the Pharmacy Profession Through Multiple Programs. Peer-reviewed, poster presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education, Anaheim, CA.
- Burgess, Melinda; Murray, Ashley; and Appeddu, Lisa. 2016. If you’re sexy and you know it, are you powerful? Submitted for publication to Psychology of Women Quarterly (PWQ) in January 2016.
- Burgess, M., G. Burgess, M. Glasscock, A. Murray, L. Appeddu, P. Kositchaiwat, and C. Gothard. 2015. If you’re sexy and you know it, are you powerful? Physiological and psychological effects of power posing and sexualization. Accepted for peer-reviewed poster presentation (Poster session II-049) at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) in May 2015 in NYC, NY. Link to abstract: http://www.psychologicalscience.org/
- Tiffany L. Kessler, Erin D. Callen, Lisa A. Appeddu, Kristin Montarella, and Krista G. Brooks. 2015. Student confidence in applying for post graduate training before and after an elective course. Peer-reviewed, poster presentation at the AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education, National Harbor, MD.
- Murray, Ashley; Maci Glasscock; Gwen Burgess; Patra Kositchaiwat; Melinda Burgess; and Lisa Appeddu. 2014. Power Posing: The Psychoendocrinological Impact of Sexualism in Women. SWOSU Research and Scholarly Activity Fair. Abstract 43.
- Sharp RP, Appeddu LA, Islam A, Sirajuddin R. Comparing the Impact of Two Omega-3 Products on the Lipid Profile. Published in Pharmacotherapy 2013; 33(10):e248. DOI: 10.1002/phar.1356. Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM.
- Sharp RP, Appeddu LA., Islam A, Sirajuddin R. Lack of significance between use of statins and cardiovascular events in carriers of the Kinesin Family Member 6 Gene 719 Arginine Allele. Published in Pharmacotherapy 2011; 31(10):319e. Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, PA.
Statistics Consultant
Assist with the research design and data analysis of SWOSU Residency projects.
- Andrea Rai, Pharm.D., PGY-1 Pharmacy Specialist Resident - Assessment of Clinical Pharmacist-Delivered Education as part of Patient Self-Management of COPD in IM Patients: A Pilot Project.
- Laura Randolph, Pharm.D., PGY-1 Pharmacy Specialist Resident - Impact of Pharmacist Interventions in an Ambulatory Cancer Center