Office Hours
TU, WE, FR: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- D. in Educational Psychology - May 2010
- Master of Education is Psychometry - December 2003
- Master of Science in Applied Psychology - May 1999
- Bachelor of Social Work - July 1997
Appointment Date
Southwestern Oklahoma State University - January 2005
Professional History
- Cimarron Valley Therapeutic Services 2000-2005
- Licensed Professional Counselor #2531
- Certified School Psychologist
- Certified School Counselor
- Certified School Psychometrist
Courses Taught
- COUN 5513 Intro to Counseling and Guidance
- COUN 5593 Advanced Tests and Measurements
- EDPSY 5713 Wechsler Intelligence Scales
- EDPSY 5563 Special Diagnostic Methods
- EDPSY 5462 Psychometrical Services
- EDPSY 5782 Practicum in School Psychometry
- PSYCH 5422 Practicum in School Psychology
- PSYCH 5112 Seminar in School Psychology
- PSYCH 5513 Internship in School Psychology I
- PSYCH 5523 Internship in School Psychology II
- COUN 5613 Internship in Counseling