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Research Facilities and Equipment

The College of Pharmacy has three research labs located in the Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Physics (CPP) building on the Southwestern Oklahoma State University campus in Weatherford, Oklahoma.  Two labs (B-100 and B-101) are 550 square feet in area and the third lab (CPP 390) is 900 square feet.  All three labs are fully equipped with fume hoods, sinks, eye wash stations, and the necessary equipment needed to conduct research in pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, physiology, and microbiology.

Click on the links below to view the equipment in the campus research labs:

  1. B-101: Pharmacology & Physiology Research Lab
  2. B-100: Medicinal Chemistry & Computer-Aided Drug Design Lab
  3. CPP 390: Pharmaceutics Research Lab

B-101 Pharmacology & Physiology Research Lab Equipment:

microplateBioTek™ Synergy™ H1 Hybrid Multi-Mode Microplate Reader

The Synergy™ H1 is a monochromator-based microplate reader that supports top and bottom fluorescence intensity, UV-visible absorbance and high performance luminescence detection on 6- to 384-well plates.  This instrument will mix plates at various speeds for up to 15 minutes per run and allow incubation to 45oC.  Options include a gas controller for control of COand O2 levels, and a reagent injector to dispense solutions into wells.  Micro-volume quantification of 2 µL samples is possible with the Take3 Micro-Volume plate; this feature is useful for nucleic acid and protein quantification.  BioTek Gen5™ software enables simple yet detailed specification of instrument parameters, plate layout, data reduction, data output, and export to Excel.


fisherbrand-isotemp-co2-incubatorFisherbrand Isotemp CO2 incubator

This incubator enables cultivation of cell and tissue cultures with the ability to provide the stable temperature, humidity and CO2 levels required for maximum growth. It has a 6.5 cubic feet capacity and stainless steel chamber with IR CO2 sensor and HEPA filtration.







LabincubatorHeratherm IGS60 Laboratory Incubator 

This incubator is designed for routine applications in pharmaceutical, medical, food and research laboratories. Gravity convection provides gentle air-flow and minimal drying out. Applications include Microbiological research, Coliform determination, Histology, Paraffin embedding, Egg incubation, Heated storage, Yeast growth, and Hatching of insects and fish.  Our lab is currently employing the incubator as a means to provide a stable temperature for conducting assays in 96-well plates.





safetycabinetInterceptor Class II Biological Safety Cabinet

This cabinet was developed with comprehensive features created to enhance both safety and ergonomics.  Standard features include full color VGA monitor with real time performance data. Multiple audible and visual alarms features include sash position alarm, programmable filter load warning, maximum filter load alarm, UV lamp "ON" indicator, UV lamp life expectancy monitor, and low airflow sensor.






centrifugeseriesSorvall™ Legend™ X1R Centrifuge

This instrument can process a variety of sample types with the option for refrigeration (Max speed: 15,200 rpm).  The lab currently has 4-hole (30 mm wide) and 9-hole (17 mm wide) bucket adapters.



Physiology Equipment

Lab holdings include data loggers, graphing/analysis software, and physiology sensors (Vernier Software & Technology, LLC.; which include body temperature probes, hand dynamometers, respiration monitor belts, spirometers, automated blood pressure cuffs, and EKG/EMG electrodes.  In addition, the lab has a hematocrit centrifuge, peak flow meters, sensory and reflex evaluation equipment, and urinalysis supplies.  These are utilized for both physiological research and in the education of student pharmacists. 

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B-100 Medicinal Chemistry and Computer-Aided Drug Design Lab Equipment:

AI-580SSmart Flash EPCLC AI-580. 

User-friendly Software based on the Yamazen’s proprietary Rf Gradient Method, eluting the sample at 4-column-volume position for the most efficient flash chromatography.





traydryerFreeZone 6 Liter Console Freeze Dry System with Stoppering Tray Dryer

The FreeZone Plus Cascade Freeze Dry Systems have dual refrigeration systems that reach -84° C (-119° F) for samples with low eutectic points including ones containing acetonitrile.





synthesizerGreenHouse Parallel Synthesizer

The parallel synthesizer allows synthesis of 6 samples simultaneously on a large scale in an efficient, environmental friendly bench top system.




MK2SynthesizerGreen House Plus MK 2 Parallel Synthesizer

The GreenHouse Classic’s removable reaction block holds 24 x 12mm Ø glass reaction tubes in the same footprint as a standard micro titer plate, allowing simple and rapid transfer of samples to and from micro titer plates with a multi-channel pipettor.




HPLCHP Agilent 1100 HPLC

The Agilent 1100 modular series HPLC system features extensive diagnostics with compatible data analysis software, enabling on-site and remote troubleshooting that can determine most failures and repair them immediately.



ImmersionCoolersThermo Scientific™ Neslab CC100 Immersion Cooler

The Neslab CC100 immersion cooler is designed primarily for low-temperature (-100°C) operation as a cost-effective alternative to dry ice.  Three probe options are available to meet many application needs.





r-210-rotavapourR-210 Rotavapor

R-210 Rotavapor with V-700 vacuum pump and the Neslab CC100 immersion cooler is available for medicinal chemistry applications.




dell-precisionDell Precision 5810 Workstation

Dell Precision 5810 workstation is equipped with NVIDIA Quadro M4000 graphic card, enabling the 3D visualization of macromolecules for computer-aided drug design projects. Licenses are available for pharmacophore development, molecular docking, homology modeling, and high-throughput virtual screening of libraries.



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CPP 390 Pharmaceutics Research Lab Equipment:

JV2000Copley Scientific JV 2000 Density Tester

The Tapped Density Testers Series JV has been designed to measure the tapped density of powders, granules and similar products. Particularly useful in powder flow ability studies and also in determining the amount of settlement during transit to optimize pack sizes.





Q2000Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) Q2000

TA Instruments Q2000 DSC has a 50 position autosampler and mass flow control.  The Q2000 provides temperature modulation capability.




FriabilitytesterFT 10 Basic Friability Tester 

Provides advanced dual drum friability testing.  Optimized for fast and efficient handling complete reporting including weight measurements. 





HardnesstesterMultiTest 50 Tablet Hardness Tester

The MultiTest 50 is a manual tablet hardness testing system that reliably measures up to 5 parameters of virtually all tablet shapes.  Weight, thickness, diameter/length, width, and hardness measurements are combined in a single report including statistical analysis.




ApparatusVarian VK 7010 Dissolution Apparatus

The Varian VK 7010 is a sophisticated, yet flexible, automated dissolution apparatus.  The modular design allows easy manual sampling or simple integration into an automated system.