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M. Tutoring Services Available

N. Tutoring Services Available

SWOSU provides tutoring opportunities for all students. On-campus tutoring services are available for various subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Computer Information Access, Economics, Statistics, History, Mathematics, Physics, Spanish, and more.  Refer to the tutoring link located on SWOSU’s Student Services web page. 

24/7 online tutoring services are also available for all students in all program areas via Upswing. To log in, go to, click on GoSWOSU, log in, and click on Upswing icon.

Southwestern provides an on-campus Writing Center for all students who wish to have their papers reviewed for grammar and sentence structure prior to submission.  For more information, go to: the writing center page.

Southwestern also provides 24/7 online Writing Lab via Upswing (login instructions located above). The Upswing Writing Lab offers the following guidance:

  • General writing review, which helps students master every state of the writing process.
  • Citation service, which helps students cite any source in both MLA and APA and quickly format Reference Lists or Works Cited page with Upswing’s citation engine.
  • Paper review service, which allows students to submit an assignment for review by a writing or subject expert and receive feedback on how to improve their assignments.