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Use of Artificial Intelligence in Experiential Education Policy

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Experiential Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful and unique tool that, like all resources, must be used judiciously and ethically. When utilizing AI for Experiential Education assignments and coursework, it will be treated similarly to assistance from another person. It should not be used to substantially complete any assignments or coursework (i.e., greater than 25% of the text). AI is prohibited from being used in testing and exams.

Using AI to generate ideas and presenting them as one’s own constitutes plagiarism. Therefore, it is essential to disclose and properly reference any use of AI within assignments and rotation coursework. Students are responsible for the accuracy of any information obtained and used from AI in their assignments. To properly cite passages generated by AI, students should acknowledge the AI tool as the author of the content. For example, when using ChatGPT, the author is OpenAI. A suggested citation format is "Text generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI, Month, day, year,”

Students must adhere to any guidelines that may be provided by faculty and/or preceptors regarding the use of AI in their Experiential Educational learning, including those that may be more restrictive.